3. Themes support ==================== It's possible to enable different themes for different sites using 'goscale.themes' app. It's a combination of modified django-cms-themes_ and django-dynamicsites_ .. _django-cms-themes: https://github.com/MegaMark16/django-cms-themes .. _django-dynamicsites: https://bitbucket.org/uysrc/django-dynamicsites/overview Currently it's possible to theme: * CSS/JS/Images (static files) * Templates * Theme settings (if theme_settings.py is present) 3.1. Installation --------------------- To use themes add 'goscale.themes' to INSTALLED_APPS:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'goscale', 'goscale.themes', ) Add 'static' context processor:: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'goscale.themes.context_processors.static', ) Add 'SiteOnFlyDetectionMiddleware' middleware before any other:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'goscale.themes.site_middleware.SiteOnFlyDetectionMiddleware', ... ) 3.2. Usage --------------------- Create a new Theme in django admin and upload a theme tarball (tar.gz) file or put your theme files into 'themes' directory in your project and input the theme name. Choose a Site to which this theme should apply. After that you should have theme templates in your Page editing form. For more information refer to django-cms-themes website_. .. _website: http://www.djangocmsthemes.com/ 3.3. Using theme files in templates --------------------- For theme static files:: {{ STATIC_THEME_URL }} For current theme name:: {{ GOSCALE_THEME }} 3.4. Theme switching on request --------------------- The beauty of goscale.themes app is that you can serve multiple themes and sites from the same django project instance. It's enabled by SiteOnFlyDetectionMiddleware from django-dynamicsites. You can switch themes dynamically by hosts in your browser. For more information refer to django-dynamicsites documentation_. .. _documentation: https://bitbucket.org/uysrc/django-dynamicsites/overview To enable multiple hosts for one theme (for example local, dev, staging servers) use SITE_ALIASES setting:: SITE_ALIASES = { 'goscalecms.ru': 'goscalecms.com', } 3.5. Debugging theme switching --------------------- The pattern for theme switching locally is:: {{theme}}.{{port}} So let's say you're running your server on localhost:8000. And you want to open theme goscale, then open:: http://goscale.