2. Configuration ==================== 2.1. Plugins settings --------------------- **GOSCALE_VIDEOS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES** Additional templates list for goscale.plugins.videos. (default: ()) **GOSCALE_CALENDAR_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES** Additional templates list for goscale.plugins.calendar. (default: ()) **GOSCALE_FEEDS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES** Additional templates list for goscale.plugins.feeds. (default: ()) **GOSCALE_FORMS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES** Additional templates list for goscale.plugins.forms. (default: ()) **GOSCALE_PICTURES_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES** Additional templates list for goscale.plugins.pictures. (default: ()) 2.2. Global settings --------------------- **GOSCALE_DEFAULT_POST_PLUGIN** Default template to use for a single post. (default: 'post.html') **GOSCALE_POSTS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY** How often to update posts for plugins. (default: 60*30, 30 minutes) **GOSCALE_UPDATE_FROM_ADMIN** Should GoScale update posts right after saving the plugin in Django admin. (default: False) **GOSCALE_CACHE_DURATION** Cache duration for plugins content. (default: CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS['content'], the same as content cache duration in Django CMS) **GOSCALE_POST_SUMMARY_LIMIT** Where to trim post summary text. (default: 300) **GOSCALE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE** Default number of posts per page. (default: 10) **GOSCALE_DEFAULT_CONTENT_ORDER** Default sorting for posts. (default: '-published') 2.3. Theme settings --------------------- **SITE_ALIASES** Allows to enable multiple hosts for one theme (for example local, dev, staging servers). **THEME** Sets currently enabled default theme (if not set by request).