1. Available plugins ==================== Contrary to Django CMS, GoScale plugins support multiple templates for one plugin. It's a powerful tool for customization. All plugins have following optional fields by default: * template - Plugin template to render * title - Plugin title And following system fields that never show up in Django admin: * updated - time when content was updated last time * posts - collection of posts associated with this plugin 1.1. Calendar -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.calendar' Configuration options: * url - Calendar feed URL (XML link from "Private Address" in your "Calendar Settings") * page_size - Events per page (0 for unlimited) * show_past - Show past events (If set past events will be shown) Templates: * events.html - Events list * events_mini.html - Events mini list (for sidebar for example) * datepicker.html - Date picker widget Single post template: event.html Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_CALENDAR_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.2. Feed -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.feeds' Configuration options: * url - Feed URL * page_size - Posts per page (0 for unlimited) * show_date - Show date in posts (If checked the date will be shown along with the post content) * external_links - Open external links (If checked posts will link to the original source, otherwise will open internally) * disqus - DICQUS shortname (Use it if you want to enable disqus.com comments) Templates: * posts.html - Posts * posts_small.html - Small posts (for sidebar for example) Single post template: post.html (default) Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_FEEDS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.3. Blogger and Tumblr -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.feeds' Configuration options: * url - Blog URL * page_size - Posts per page (0 for unlimited) * show_date - Show date in posts (If checked the date will be shown along with the post content) * external_links - Open external links (If checked posts will link to the original source, otherwise will open internally) * disqus - DICQUS shortname (Use it if you want to enable disqus.com comments) Templates: * posts.html - Posts * posts_small.html - Small posts (for sidebar for example) Single post template: post.html (default) Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_FEEDS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.4. Form -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.forms' Configuration options: * url - Google Form URL * form_class - Additional class attribute to add to the form element Templates: * form.html - Inline Form * form_popup.html - Form in a lightbox Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_FORMS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.5. Picasa -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.pictures' Configuration options: * url - Picasa or Google+ user or album link * width - Container width (Width of a slideshow container or a lightbox) * height - Container height (Height of a slideshow container or a lightbox) * thumbnail_width - Thumbnail width (Width of a thumbnail) * thumbnail_height - Thumbnail height (Height of a thumbnail) * autoplay - Autoplay (If set slideshow will start automatically) Templates: * grid.html - Grid * slideshow.html - Slideshow * slideshow_with_thumbnails.html - Slideshow with thumbnails * slideshow_mini.html - Mini slideshow (for sidebar for example) * carousel_mini.html - Mini carousel Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_PICTURES_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.6. YouKu -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.videos' Configuration options: * playlist - Youku playlist URL * lightbox - Open videos in a lightbox (If checked videos will open in a lightbox, otherwise inline) Templates: * videos.html - Videos Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_VIDEOS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.7. Google Presentation -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.presentations' Configuration options: * embed - Embed code (From the " Embed" link) * width - Width of a presentation container * height - Height of a presentation container * ratio - Aspect ratio (Ratio of width:height used for the presentation if manual size isn't set) * embed_as_is - Embed "as is" (If set embed code will not be changed) * delay - Delay between slides * autoplay - If set presentation will start automatically * loop - If set presentation will restart after the last slide Templates: * presentation.html - Presentation Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_PRESENTATIONS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.8. Slideshare Presentation -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.presentations' Configuration options: * embed - Embed code (From the " Embed" link) * width - Width of a presentation container * height - Height of a presentation container * ratio - Aspect ratio (Ratio of width:height used for the presentation if manual size isn't set) * embed_as_is - Embed "as is" (If set embed code will not be changed) * start - Number of the first slide * without_related_content - If set related slideshows will not be displayed Templates: * presentation.html - Presentation Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_PRESENTATIONS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py 1.9. Speakerdeck Presentation -------------------- Application: 'goscale.plugins.presentations' Configuration options: * embed - Embed code (From the " Embed" link) * width - Width of a presentation container * height - Height of a presentation container * ratio - Aspect ratio (Ratio of width:height used for the presentation if manual size isn't set) * embed_as_is - Embed "as is" (If set embed code will not be changed) * start - Number of the first slide Templates: * presentation.html - Presentation Additional templates can be added by setting GOSCALE_PRESENTATIONS_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_TEMPLATES tuple in your settings.py